[fpc-pascal] I can't set up ! (the mac osx user)

nano-k at f2.dion.ne.jp nano-k at f2.dion.ne.jp
Wed Jun 15 17:28:38 CEST 2005

I can't see even  "Hello World".

After downloading from the "download" corner,installing to my h/d, what 
shall I do next ? I can't understand at all. I can't find out on any 
document  to set up after installing.
" Only type fpc" can't lead me to even " Hello World".

I do hope the script file to set up after installing will be supplied, 
like by applescript.
And strongly wanted  "quick started guide", I ,we, the mac osx users 
are not familiar to cui envirnment on terminal like unix users.

Please show me to start fpc back ,if possible. Many files & directories 
on terminal trouble me day  & night for a week.What & how shall I do 
from now on ?

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