[fpc-pascal] File-functions on various platforms??

Thomas Zastrow chef at thomas-zastrow.de
Fri Jun 10 00:54:29 CEST 2005

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

>On Fri, 10 Jun 2005, Thomas Zastrow wrote:
>>for a little FPC-/Lazarus-project I need some routines working on the
>>filesystem - for example: "Give me (recursivly) all *mp3-Files in this
>>Searching around in the online-documenation, I found that FPC knows functions
>>like FindFirst, FindNext and so on.
>>My question is: Are these function are working both on Linux and on Windows???
>>Using an OpenFileDialog in Lazarus and take it's property "filename" for
>>input/output of these functions, will it work both on Windows and Linux???
>>Are there any functions for converting Windows-Path's to Unix-Path's???
>Yes, in sysutils:
>Procedure DoDirSeparators (Var FileName : String);
>Function SetDirSeparators (Const FileName : String) : String;
>And if you use the PathDelim constant consistently, then there should be no need 
>to use these functions, even.

Michael, thank you very much :-)

At the moment, I'm converting a lot of my old Delphi-Code to Lazarus / 
FPC. I'm working on a project which should run on windows *and* on Linux 
.. the most difficulties I have is when it comes up to deal with File-Paths.

The most of my old procedures and functions are running fine with 
Lazarus under Windows -  but not under Linux, because they have 
something like the "\" hardcoded for dividing directories.

I'm realy not sure how to handle this ... perhaps somebody has some 
procedures, dealing with pathes, directories and so on ... and using 
*no* platform-specific-code???



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