[fpc-pascal]Makefile.fpc reloaded

Marc Santhoff M.Santhoff at t-online.de
Mon Apr 5 04:28:11 CEST 2004


After stopping because of too few time I'm starting writing Makefile.fpc

The structure is now:


The goal is to have fpcmake create a directory "obj" for writing all the
.o, .ppu and the binary program into. This should happen from "src" whre
the real program is written and from "test", where some testing tools
are made. This was the problem I could not solve before.

Second is to do something on documentation files, e.g. creating html
from something else or starting arbitrary tools on the doc files.

My questions:

Is it the best way to have a main makefile and further ones for each
subdir? (If not, what's better?)

How can i tell fpcmake to run tool "x" on all ".abc"-files in dir "y"?


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