[fpc-pascal]INET-Unit: Testing existence of a domain?

Rainer Hantsch rainer at hantsch.co.at
Wed Sep 17 13:10:18 CEST 2003

Hi, Michael!

On Wed, 17 Sep 2003, Michael Weinert wrote:
| Am Mittwoch, 17. September 2003 11:54 schrieb Rainer Hantsch:
| Hi Rainer,
| > I want to test inside my program if a domain does exist. I am not
| > interested in the particular domain entries, only in its existence.
| > For that I tried the following, but it returns always false:
| Maybe I have a solution for you.
| Just check for an NS-Entry for the domain. This way you know if
| the domains exists or not.
| How I would do it?
| I sended a resolv-unit to the units-list. I would then double the
| function Sys2_GetMXAddr (tz:ShortString):ShortString;
| to make a getnsaddr and you have a result.

Please, leave me copy of it by direct mail. This is quicker.

I must leave my office now for a while urgently, but when I am back, I will

| Are you trying to program a spam-blocker or something like that?
| If yes, I would be interested in helping.

Yes, exactly! :-)
Let's see! I am in the very early steps of my development, there is also a lot
unclear, but I also know that I will not use assasin (or how this monster is


  Ing. Rainer Hantsch

|      \\|//              Ing. Rainer HANTSCH  -  Hardware + Software |
|      (o o)              Forget Windoze! -- We focus on L-I-N-U-X... |
| Ing. Rainer HANTSCH |  mail: office at hantsch.co.at                   |
| Khunngasse 21/20    |   www: http://www.hantsch.co.at               |
| A-1030 Vienna       |   tel: +43-1-79885380    fax: +43-1-798853818 |
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