[fpc-pascal]paths in cross-compiling

Adam Naumowicz adamn at math.uwb.edu.pl
Fri Nov 7 00:43:55 CET 2003

On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, George Patterson wrote:

> This might be a nasty hack but have you tried putting in the new path
> right at the top of the link.res file.

Well, the link.res file is created automatically following the compiler's
config file. Normally, there should be no need to change link.res
manually. So the whole thing should be done in the config file, but I
don't see how ;-(

Adam Naumowicz

Department of Applied Logic            fax. +48 (85) 745-7662
Institute of Computer Science          tel. +48 (85) 745-7559 (office)
University of Bialystok                e-mail: adamn at mizar.org
Sosnowa 64, 15-887 Bialystok, Poland   http://math.uwb.edu.pl/~adamn/

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