[fpc-pascal]Working with pictures in FPC - how?

Rainer Hantsch rainer at hantsch.co.at
Mon Mar 24 07:39:26 CET 2003


I would like to write a program which works with pictures.

For that, I will need two procedures for reading and writing a picture
in/out to/from memory and hereby decoding/encoding it into a usable format
which can be handled easily from FPC. I can imagine four lists of byte for
CMYK (where every byte represents an 8-bit value of one particular point, or
three lists of byte for RGB.
Because I am not interesting in re-inventing the wheel, I would like to use
existing libraries for reading/writing the pictures, i.e. the libjpeg.so. I am
sure that these libraries will do more or less exactly what I need in my case,
because I need only very low-level functions. But I will need some kind of
wrapper for them to make usage easier.

When somebody has worked on that and could leave me some code to get better
understanding, I will be very happy. -- Thanks in advance!


  Ing. Rainer Hantsch

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