[fpc-pascal]RE: crosscompiling problems with ld(w) from binutils-2.1.4

Jeff Pohlmeyer yetanothergeek at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 31 07:08:49 CEST 2003

 > But as I was bored to reboot my linux, just to compile a program...

I feel your pain :-o

Another option, maybe to think about:

I have had *some* success running ppc386.exe under WINE,
although it doesn't seem to find all of its units properly.
So I had to put all of the binaries and units required to
run ppc386.exe in the same directory -
or wherever.

This is not exactly a perfect solution, but it beats 
having to reboot into windows everytime I want to try 
a piece of cross-platform code.

 - Jeff

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