
BigMatt19 at aol.com BigMatt19 at aol.com
Mon Oct 1 01:21:06 CEST 2001

It isn't like I am a mod or anything... but this seems incredibly off-topic.  How did that original mail get on this list in the first place???

In a message dated Sun, 30 Sep 2001  5:21:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Matt Emson <memsom at interalpha.co.uk> writes:

> >Hopefully nobody here is too young and unexperienced to know what such
> >messages are about but it's better to be said once too often than
> >not: these are thiefs wanting to steal your money if you are foolish enough
> >to give them your banking details. Beware!
> Did anybody read about these scemes in PC PRO magazine a while back?? John 
> Honeyball did a big piece on them I believe.... If anyone is stupid enough to 
> believe them, I pity you ;-)
> Apparently sometimes it goes as far as the person going to Africa. People 
> have been murdered on arrival, or fooled into arriving with no Visa, and then 
> blackmailed into 'paying' for their life/safety.
> Matt 
> -- 
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