[fpc-pascal]Sring vs AnsiString

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Sun Nov 19 23:13:54 CET 2000

> oops you used the h*** word- IMHO this is best form of docs! 

HTML can be nice quickreference texts. But the fact that its look 
vary a lot depending on the browser *AND* printing is even more 
variable make it hard to create and real docs.

The PDF documents are superior in quality, and currently nearly 
every driver CD contains a copy of Acroread.

Since you obtain more that one driver CD, and maximally one 
Windows per computer, I dare to state that Acroread is more spread 
than a HTML browser :-)

Marco van de Voort (MarcoV at Stack.nl or marco at freepascal.org)

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