[fpc-pascal]Postgres, Call a field by his name...

Javier Morquecho Morquecho jmorquec at cedetel.com.mx
Tue Dec 19 20:07:08 CET 2000


	I'm using Postgres and the Linux Unit, right now I call a field by his
field number, something like :
PQgetvalue(res, i, 1);

	But I would like to use the field name...some like :
PQgetvalue(res, i, my_field);

	I guess there is another function, any tip ???....


Ing. J at vier Morquecho Morquecho
Desarrollo de proyectos comerciales
Tel : 177-10-87
Cel : 177-00-87
e-mail                 : jmorquec at cedetel.com.mx
e-movil               : 5281770087 at emovil.cedetel.com.mx
Home Cedetel     : http://www.cedetel.com.mx

"#define QUESTION ((bb) || !(bb))    // Shakespeare"

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