
Keve Gábor keve_g at mail.takarek.net
Mon Dec 4 13:33:50 CET 2000

Hello All!

I want to mix (under linux) the vantage of UnCGI & Interbase unit, but the result is a weird error message. Maybe this is not the good place for this question, but i can't find the solve of this problem.

Here the error message:

Connecting to testdb.gdb: OK. Starting Transaction : OK. Allocating statement : OK. Preparing statement : Failed: <- This is the problem. 

// Write ('Preparing statement : '); if ISC_dsql_prepare(@status, at ta, at statement,0,query,1,sqlda)<>0 then

(sources: testib.pp, uncgi.pp, ibase60.pp)

My system: SuSE Linux v6.4
                    Apache WEB server,
                    FPC 1.0,
                    Interbase 6.0 under linux.

Best regards,
Gabor Keve

P.s.: Sorry for my bad english!

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