[fpc-other] Git & SVN

Karoly Balogh (Charlie/SGR) charlie at scenergy.dfmk.hu
Thu May 25 15:20:57 CEST 2017


On Thu, 25 May 2017, Sven Barth via fpc-other wrote:

> nevertheless Charlie's mail was too interesting and constructive not
> to respond to it :)

Awww, you, stop it... *blushes* :D

> Of course the biggest obstacle is the building and running of the
> testsuite.

Well. Build breakages are daily occurence with obvious "this could have
never built" mistakes, or new packages get committed which don't build for
any platform, etc. Even large patches, with little care and "worksforme"
excuse. So even in the current system we run the testsuite *AFTER* the
commits are already made. And lot of the experimental development happens
in directly trunk. So this reaction of "omg, what happens to the testsuite
runs" I feel a bit... Yes. :)

And I'm guilty as well, make no mistake. :) But actually this leads us to
another problem, that now all commits are equal, even if someone touches
an uncritical/new package or some x86 codegenerator or a critical part of
the RTL. If the later breaks, could cause problems for everyone years down
the line, while a package will almost certainly only affect some people.
Which means different developers work in the same repo with different
quality/criticality standards...

> So maybe the Pull Requests for the integration system could be designed
> in such a way that only a subset of the supported targets can be
> requested for build and testsuite runs or maybe only a fullcycle is done
> together with a full build of only one target all depending on whatever
> the Pull Request specifies.

Indeed. I think we already have an informal list of "Tier 1" systems
anyway, which is more or less Windows, Linux-i386/x86_64 and Darwin. I
think (almost?) everyone uses these as development hosts, even if he works
on some other system in the end. But breakages in these affect quasi
everyone immediately. The rest is "irrelevant". (Disclaimer: I mostly work
on other systems, so I can claim this. ;))

> There would of course be the possibility that this would break some
> target that isn't in the test subset, but let's be honest: that
> currently happens as well :P


To be honest, I don't see a lot of difference to a Pull request or a diff
submitted via Mantis. A core developer has to handle both, and sign it
off. From then on it's his responsibility to handle the patch during its
lifetime, and revert or fix it, if breaks the build and next days'
testsuite runs. It's actually pretty much irrelevant if the change got
into trunk via a manual diff/patch/commit, or someone integrated a pull
request. What I meant is some automatic process, which makes sure you have
a linear history suitable for an SVN upstream commit, etc.

> I agree that this could be solved with some engineering if enough
> willpower and time (and insight into FPC's development process) is
> available.

Indeed. Some of these "rules" or process ideas sound like an improvement
even if Git is not in the picture. :)


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