[fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Google Code closing down

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Sun Mar 15 11:10:17 CET 2015

Hello Mark Morgan,

I wasn't going to reply because I've had enough fruitless debates in
these mailing lists. But here I go again - I just can't help myself -
especially if I see false statement being thrown around as if they are fact.

Reading the replies I can clearly see that neither of you have ever used
Git for actual work. I'm not talking about just installing it and not
doing anything with it - that's NOT using a product, so you can't review
it based on that.

>> Look around. I have seen many git repositories (svn probably too), where 
>> the (sole) committer uses git in a way, that cvs would allow to do more. 
>> How is git better for them?

Your statement is so ridiculous I had to laugh out loud. Git is
magnitudes better that CVS and SubVersion combined. And yes it is
extremely useful even for a sole developer. I even use git (because it
is so damn quick and cheap to start a repo - see below) while writing
throw-away code, or fixing sample code for support reasons. Local
branches to jump onto various tasks - another WOW.

If you haven't actually used git, then please stop spreading FUD. You
are not helping anybody.

>> Also one should make such decisions based on what is needed. Not what 
>> others do.

if you actually tried git, you would soon realise it is a vital tool in
the developers toolbox. I regard Git just as important as a good
programmer editor or IDE. Yes, that important!

> A practical problem with Git, as I've said already, is that it's got 
> much less proven portability.

What the f**k does that mean? Git not portable? Under what rock have you
been living for the last 6 years?? Git has been ported to Linux,
FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, OS/2, Windows, Haiku, AIX, Mac OSX and gods
knows what else. There is even a fully functional and up-to-date Java
implementation (used by Eclipse developers) of Git. How the hell is all
that not portable?

The Git you are talking about is from around 2006/7 - a lifetime ago if
you see how fast git is being developed.

I use Git equal amounts under Linux, FreeBSD and Windows in my daily
work. I see absolutely NO difference in usage and performance.

> Losing Google Code is unfortunate, particularly after losing Berlios.

Yes, we agree on something. Gitorious will be lost soon too. It is sad
seeing these services disappear and taking lots of open source software
with them.

But another huge plus point of Git. If just one person cloned any of
those public Git repos, they can fully recreate such a repo on another
service because Git always has the full repository history. With CVS,
SubVersion you loose a lot of information because you only have the last
single commit you checked out.

> The obvious alternative for a small project would be to run an svn 
> server as a parasite on a router: something like svnserve (possibly with

Again, a clear indication that you have NEVER used Git before. Git is
infinitely faster and easier to setup.

    Start a new Git repository for an existing code base

            $ cd /path/to/my/codebase
            $ git init      (1)
            $ git add .     (2)
            $ git commit    (3)

      1. Create a /path/to/my/codebase/.git directory.
      2. Add all existing files to the index.
      3. Record the pristine state as the first commit in the history.

Congratulations, you have a fully working and 100% setup Git repository!
No server required, no "parasite service/daemon" required etc.

I have helped numerous individuals and companies switch from SubVersion
to Git. To be honest, all of them were sceptical about the move, but all
heard so many good things about Git. I can also say that not a single
one of them were disappointed afterwards. After a week of initial
getting used to a distributed system, they all really appreciated the
performance, features and flexibility of what Git has to offer. NOBODY I
know has ever considered going back to SubVersion after using Git. That
has to speak volumes.


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