[fpc-other] What would your second language be and why?

Michael Fuchs freepascal at ypa-software.de
Sat Dec 6 13:26:49 CET 2008


I think it is less important to learn a language. If you have good
experiences in one language and you have the ability to create good
sourceccode, then it is easy to work with other languages to.

For example: I write software in VB.NET at work. If our team leader
switch to C# it is a short time, to learn the ropes. But it was much
longer to learn the .NET framework or to work with iBatis, log4net,
Castle.Project and other frameworks.

So try out .NET/Mono framework in a language you prefer, to get a
feeling about it. Maybe Delphi.Prism is interesting in this case. And
play a little with VB.NET and C# (me ist prefering VB.NET, i hate
C-style syntax with much {}{}{}{}).

Which languages are used today mostly? I think the both .NETies (VB.NET
and C#), PHP for Webdevelopment, Ruby maybe in the near future. But the
language is easy, it is the everything else (like the frameworks) which
is harder.

just my 2 cents

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