[fpc-other]reputation of Pascal

Andreas K. Foerster Andreas@AKFoerster.de
Tue, 4 Jun 2002 17:23:16 +0200

On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 01:14:14PM +0200, Rainer Hantsch wrote:

> (An example: Have you ever tried to work with "strings" or "arrays of
> string" in C language? Strings are a very basic thing to me, but C makes an
> odysee out of that!) 

AFAIK the official Pascal standard doesn't even know about strings at
all. If you realy want to program standard Pascal programs that use
text, you have to use ARRAY OF CHAR.

> Not true... As long as you use standard pascal syntax and limit yourself to
> only use Standard (ANSI?) pascal, it IS portable! It is the same as if you
> would use plain C (as far as I understood this "Deluxe-Assembly-Language"). If
> you do not use system-dependent functions, it is portable. But when you use
> them, you'll get a lot of work when changing to a different OS....

If you really want to stick to the standard, then I think C is really
better. (see above)

BTW. why does anybody here speak about C and not about other languages? 
I didn't even mention C in my first posting.
