more Textmode ide patches
<br> 1) Options->Compiler->Assembler assembler output options has not bees working properly (asm_output_options_ide.patch)
<br> 2) make available Assembler reader options for x86_64 (asm_reader_options_x86_64_ide.patch)
<br> 3) make asm output options for x86_64 look like they do for i386 (asm_output_options_strings_ide_v2.patch)
<br> missing strings not implemented
<br> 4) video have to be "done" same way as it was initialized (udrivers_doneenhancedvideo_fpc331.patch)
<br> 5) In linux solves problem when Ide have weird visual glitches (if fp.ans is present and opening / closing menu leaves trails behind) (legacy_video_refresh_unix_fpc331_v2.patch)