Some compiler x86 assembler improvements
<br> 1) patch for fpc 3.3.1 (attachment: mkx86ins_version_bump.patch)
<br> compiler/utils/mkx86ins.pp
<br> Version bumped from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2
<br> There has been changes to code, so version has to represent that.
<br> 2) Patch to enable ENTER asm instruction (attachment: enable_asm_instr_enter.patch)
<br> same for fpc 3.3.1 and fixes 3.2
<br> 3) patch for fpc 3.3.1 compiler/x86/x86ins.dat (attachment: x86ins_4_fpc331.patch)
<br> 3.1)
<br> Rename 3DNow instruction (fixed long lasting typo in mnemonic).
<br> 3.2)
<br> Add vpclmullqlqdq, vpclmulhqlqdq, vpclmullqhqdq, vpclmulhqhqdq.
<br> 3.3)
<br> Fix "typo" for SHA1MSG2
<br> 4) patch asm instructions for fixes 3.2 (attachment: x86ins_4_fixes32.patch)
<br> add missing instructions of BMI1, BMI2, ADX, CMUL, SHA, XSAVE, MOVBE
<br> no "code" changes, only x86ins.dat and generated files with mkx86ins
<br> Some instructions deliberately have wrong tags in order to make no changes beside x86ins.dat.
<br> 5) patch prof of concept back port asm instructions to fpc 3.0.4 (attachment: x86ins_4_fpc304.patch)
<br> add missing instructions of BMI1, BMI2, ADX, CMUL, SHA, XSAVE, MOVBE, RAND
<br> no "code" changes, but const maxinfolen = 8; to maxinfolen = 9;
<br> x86ins.dat and generated files with mkx86ins
<br> I did this to make an argument that it's safe to add asm instructions to fpc 3.2.3
<br> Engine, that supports those instruction, is in production for a while now.