<p>Am 14.12.2016 13:09 schrieb "Maciej Izak" <<a href="mailto:hnb.code@gmail.com">hnb.code@gmail.com</a>>:<br>
> 2016-12-14 11:17 GMT+01:00 Sven Barth <<a href="mailto:pascaldragon@googlemail.com">pascaldragon@googlemail.com</a>>:<br>
>> It should be a Pointer of course, not a PPointer... I will correct that later on (I shouldn't commit code that late -.- ).<br>
> So I will wait again ^^</p>
<p>Oh and should you manage to reproduce the problem you mentioned, please notify me.</p>
>> PPU version is only increased if the structure of the PPU file is changed. That RTTI change has nothing to do with the PPU.<br>
> Yes, that is true, but I want to be sure :) , at the end we have change in critical place. </p>
<p>The PPU version is only to ensure that the compiler doesn't read the wrong data when reading a PPU due to added contents.</p>
<p>For the development version it's always the user's responsibility to ensure that she doesn't mix compiled units from different trunk revisions.</p>