<p>Am 19.03.2016 08:26 schrieb "Alfred" <<a href="mailto:alfred@consulab.nl">alfred@consulab.nl</a>>:<br>
> After a successful install (with fpclazup) of FPC/Lazarus 64bit on an Odroid-C2 running Arch Linux 64 bit, I have a few questions.<br>
> <br>
> The initial (bootstrap) compiler was build by cross-compiling (trunk) from Win32 to Aarch64.<br>
> Only trunk supports aarch64.<br>
> <br>
> So, bootstrap version is 3.1.1. But trunk may only be build by 3.0.0.<br>
> <br>
> Questions/remarks:<br>
> <br>
> 1: As maintainer of fpc(laz)up, I am in need of a public available bootstrap compiler for aarch64.<br>
> 2: The version check should be suppressed for aarch64 (atm fpc[laz]up does suppress the check by itself).</p>
<p>Starting trunk's top-level make with the correct options (crossall, CPU_TARGET, CROSSOPT fot the target flags, etc) and a 3.0.0 should already result in a native compiler for Aarch64-linux, as the Makefile already does what you described here (compiling a cross compiler first and then a native compiler). At the end there should be a ppcrossaarch64.exe and a ppcaarch64 (no .exe!) [Note: I don't know whether the compiler suffix is really aarch64, as I've never worked with it yet].</p>
<p>There won't be any bootstrap compiler however until the next major version containing the new platform is released as trunk is a moving target (it can happen from one revision to the next that trunk can no longer be compiled by the previous revision).</p>
<p>> 3: Some makefiles of Lazarus where not (yet) able to compile for aarch64 (as I remember correctly: main and lcl/interfaces had no aarch64-linux target).</p>
<p>You should raise this issue either on the Lazarus mailing list or the bug tracker.</p>