<p>Am 27.11.2014 08:47 schrieb "Mark Morgan Lloyd" <<a href="mailto:markMLl.fpc-devel@telemetry.co.uk">markMLl.fpc-devel@telemetry.co.uk</a>>:<br>
> Sven Barth wrote:<br>
>> On 26.11.2014 16:54, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:<br>
>>> When the system does not notify all other (running) programs of such an<br>
>>> global change, or when some other stupid program doesn't know how to<br>
>>> deal with changed settings, the user better shuts down and restarts his<br>
>>> system, before and after using that ill behaved program.<br>
>>> But exactly *what* should a clever program do, when it receives such a<br>
>>> change notification? What should happen with the formatted numbers,<br>
>>> shown in the forms of the program? Which code (app/OS?) puts the<br>
>>> separators into formatted number strings?<br>
>> At my old company our Delphi application handled runtime changes to these settings rather well. For display the normal XToY (e.g. DateToStr) functions are used which use the DefaultFormatSettings which are updated automatically (the VCL's message loop triggers a repaint when format settings were changed in the system). *This* is how I expect an application to behave (afterall Microsoft's own applications behave this way as well).<br>
> My recollection is that there's a Windows message that indicates that a control panel applet has changed localisation etc. The lack of anything comparable on other OSes could be a problem, even if user apps and their associated RTLs were happy handling a change.</p>
<p>Yes, there's a message for that and yes on non-Windows OSes this might be problematic...</p>