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Follow-up: <br>
I d/l'ed the most recent Synapse snapshot and when compiling I get:
<tt>Compiling ./synapse/synautil.pas</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> jedi.inc(512,4) Error: Illegal assembler style specified
</tt><tt> </tt><br>
This is easily fixed by commenting out the appropriate line in
jedi.inc, but it shows that this Synapse version is not yet tested
on ARM. <br>
Now I set the ConnectTimeout to 10000 (10 seconds) and retested. <br>
I found that in fact Synapse does return to the user program which
requests a retry but in one test of the same project it finished
after about 30 Minutes and in another it was after more than 60 (I
killed the test after that time.) .<br>
Either some other Timeout definition is used, or the timeout in that
case does not work decently<br>
I found that with Synapse on Windows and PC Linux, the Target
(Heating Controller device) mostly seems to force a timeout (or
some other error resulting in a retry) but sometimes not. With 20 or
more seconds connect timeout I usually get one retry, with 10
Seconds connect Timeout I usually get two retries. But on ARM the
project always hangs on the third HTTP request (after two successful
ones.) <br>
I did do some logging using HTTPSend.Sock.OnStatus. (complete Logs
Here in Windows I see a:<br>
"13:10060,Connection timed out" <br>
after 30 Seconds (I think I did set the ConnectTimeout to 30000 at
this time)<br>
resulting in a retry requested by my software. <br>
Note that the timeout comes after<br>
("2" being HR_SocketCreate if I am not failed, and "7" =
HR_CanWrite / "5" = HR_Connect are not reached on the first try.) <br>
The Log for the ARM version shows something very different
(unfortunately this version of my software did not yet timestamp the
log. I'll retest with the updated version ASAP.)<br>
"13:110,Connection timed out"<br>
Seemingly the connect ( "7" = HR_CanWrite / "5" = HR_Connect) is
performed without a timeout being hit. <br>
Now it does "11" = HR_WriteCount is shown, supposedly indicating my
write request. <br>
and "13" = HR_Error seems shows that a timeout error on that Write
occurred. <br>
Seemingly the target does not understand or like the write request
issued by synapse. <br>
Seemingly this is deterministic and happens all the time. <br>
Is the number given with the "11" = HR_WriteCount log message indeed
the count of bytes that are written in this request or is it an
accumulated count ?<br>
In fact I think I issue not more than 100 bytes per request. <br>
Any additional suggestions ? <br>
<hr size="2" width="100%">HTTPSend.Sock.OnStatus Log on Windows (on
PC Linux it's similar):<br>
621 OK<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:18:39>>>3:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:18:39>>>0:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:18:39>>>1:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:18:39>>>2:IPv4<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>13:10060,Connection timed
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>5:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>3:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>0:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>1:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>2:IPv4<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>7:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>5:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>11:6317<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>6:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>10:450<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>6:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>10:450<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>6:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>10:450<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>6:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>10:450<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>6:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>10:450<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>6:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>10:450<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>6:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>10:450<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>6:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>10:450<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>6:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>10:450<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>6:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>10:450<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>6:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>10:130<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>6:<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>13:10054,Connection reset
by peer<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:09>>>3:<br>
Logout OK<br>
Boost OK<br>
==== 0 -> Brenner ist bereits eingeschaltet<br>
Send Mail OK<br>
Login OK<br>
MailCount: 0<br>
Logout ...<br>
CheckMail OK<br>
-- No Mail --<br>
Login OK<br>
MailCount: 0<br>
Logout ...<br>
CheckMail OK<br>
-- No Mail --<br>
Login OK<br>
MailCount: 0<br>
Logout ...<br>
CheckMail OK<br>
-- No Mail --<br>
Login OK<br>
MailCount: 0<br>
Logout ...<br>
CheckMail OK<br>
-- No Mail --<br>
Login OK<br>
MailCount: 0<br>
Logout ...<br>
CheckMail OK<br>
-- No Mail --<br>
Stopped 29.01.2013 00:19:40<br>
>>>29.01.2013 00:19:40>>>3:<br>
I:\Lazarus_Projekte\heizung> <br>
<hr size="2" width="100%">HTTPSend.Sock.OnStatus Log on ARM:<br>
Login OK<br>
MailCount: 1<br>
Mail No. 1:<br>
From: Michael Schnell <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
Subject: test1<br>
Date: 28-1-13 22:56:41<br>
Body Lines: 9<br>
Deleting Mail No. 1...<br>
Logout ...<br>
CheckMail OK<br>
Sender = Michael Schnell <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
: OK<br>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;<br>
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Command = 1<br>
>>>13:104,Connection reset by peer<br>
Login OK<br>
>>>13:104,Connection reset by peer<br>
621 OK<br>
>>>13:110,Connection timed out<br>
>>>13:110,Connection timed out<br>
>>>13:110,Connection timed out<br>
>>>13:110,Connection timed out<br>
Boost Error<br>
Boost Error<br>
==== -9 -> Fehler bei Zugriff auf die Steuerung<br>
Send Mail OK<br>
Stopped 29-1-13 00:02:36<br>
[/share/Public/heizarm] #<br>