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Hi all,<br>
I must say, it is actually quite fun to be a part of the FPC
Developers mailing list, I don't know why I didn't join sooner.
Quite interesting conversations and ideas, a little bit of bickering
but very understanding people in general, I like it. I want to add
my two cents before continuing to the point of this email:<br>
- I do like the FPC Community development style. This means that
if I want a feature I can add it myself, which I've done. All it
takes is a proposal, some others come in with similar experience
with Pascal and recommend a few fair changes which all makes sense.<br>
- Florian is correct. It's quite easy to make a compiler. If you
need it, just build it. I've made a Virtual Compiler of a
programming language I invented in the past, which had it's own
Virtual Runtime (executed with Assembly of course) for FUN. It
really isn't that hard. The one difference is, with Free Pascal,
you get to be a part of a group which is fun.<br>
Now down to the actual point of the email:<br>
-- May I get my patch here (
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
<a href="http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=21848">http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=21848</a>)
approved and in trunk? I've been using it in 2.6.x and 2.7.x for
awhile now and it works quite nicely. I did the INCLUDESTRINGFILE
as requested. ^_^<br>
Anyway, I must say I love the targetandroid branch so far. I've
got my Project working using Google's libandroid_native_app_glue.a,
and my Game Engine works nicely on Linux/Android (with setup for
Windows and iPhone coming soon). Keep up the great work everyone.
Can't wait to see targetandroid merged with trunk!<br>
- Dennis Fehr<br>