Hello to all possible interested MIPS hackers,<br><br>as I read the wiki page <a href="http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Native_MIPS_Systems" target="_blank">http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Native_MIPS_Systems</a><br>it looks like actual status of FPC for MIPS is a little behind the head development and stalled at some point as described by Mark,<br>
<br>I do plan to use FPC for MIPS with OpenWRT on MIPS embedded devices such as NetGear WNDR3800,<br>and "hack for the poor" the low end 20 euros device TPLINK TL-WR703N,<br><br>I am ready to offer a reasonable bounty to get motivated anyone that would help to catchup the MIPS support as of current state of FPC (2.6),<br>
for each of the following item:<br>1. compiling a program for OpenWRT MIPS from a PC Linux x64 (or Windows x64, up to your choice to simplify) (command line as a first step if this is easier)<br>2. compiling a program for OpenWRT MIPS from Lazarus IDE on a PC Linux x64 (or Windows x64, up to your choice to simplify) <br>
3. remote debugging in a QEMU MIPS VM running on the host Linux x64 (or Windows x64, up to your choice to simplify)<br>4. remote debugging of the target embedded device from the development PC Linux x64 (or Windows x64, up to your choice to simplify)<br>
<br>I would provide WNDR3800 hardware for development/testing, or any other MIPS device of your choice that would make sense to build the toolchain required,<br>
<br>by the way, I will be at Fosdem during next week-end, if anyone would like to discuss the options and details about porting FPC to MIPS,<br><br>Cordially, Jerome.<br><br>PS: I am following the FPC and Lazarus development for multiple years,<br>
maintaining XMLRAD application server compiling for FPC on Win x86/x64 and Linux X86/x64 (a 500KLOC),<br>and my feeling about FPC which is targeting multiple architectures, despite the huge improvement of Lazarus <br>is that it lacks integrated toolchain for cross-compile environment and debugging from a single IDE.<br>