<html><body>Let me please once more explain what I meant <br>(I am not sure id I explained it enought)<br><br>1.) When we decalre column like DECIMAL or NUMERIC then this columns will have numeric affinity<br>2.) Columns with numeric affinity can hold only INTEGER, REAL or BLOB data (in theory they can hold also TEXT data, but such text data can not be a valid numbers, only generic character data, which can not be translated to any number, for example 'abc')<br>3.) if we ommit BLOBs then we do do not need ftBCD, nor ftFmtBCD, because in SQLite database can be stored only INTEGRE (ftLargeInt) or REAL (ftFloat) values. <br>4.) so when we read such data, SQLite translates their internal representation (storage class) into requested type (sqlite3_column_double, int, text, blob)<br>5.) so only reason to introduce ftFmtBCD is to expect, that stored data are in BLOB storage class, so this is only storage class, which allows numeric values with precision > 15 (X'12345678923456789.123456789')<br>6.) so when we are ready to read BLOBs then we would be ready also write BLOBs (when necessary to save precision)<br><br>I do not know if I explained it sufficient, what I mean ?<br>Laco.<br></body></html>