<DIV>fpc 2.0.0 win32</DIV><BR>
<DIV> I can't see pi in proceudre pre but I can see it in procedure kmp.</DIV>
<DIV> pre is a procedure belonging to kmp.</DIV>
<DIV> I found that I could only see vars in this proceudre/function and main program, but I couldn't see vars in the procedure that this procedure belongs to.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>var<BR> t,p:string;<BR>procedure kmp(t,p:string);<BR> var<BR> n,m,q,i:integer;<BR> pi,match:array[1..255] of integer;<BR> procedure pre(p:string);<BR> var<BR> k,q:integer;<BR> begin<BR> pi[1]:=0;<BR> k:=0;<BR> for q:=2 to m do begin<BR> while (k>0) and (p[k+1]<>p[q]) do k:=pi[k];<BR> if p[k+1]=p[q] then k:=k+1;<BR> pi[q]:=k;<BR> end;<BR> end;<BR> begin<BR> n:=length(t);<BR> m:=length(p);<BR> q:=0;<BR> pre(p);<BR> fillchar(match,sizeof(match),0);<BR> for i:=1 to n do
begin<BR> while (q>0) and (p[q+1]<>t[i]) do begin<BR> match[i-q]:=q;<BR> q:=pi[q];<BR> end;<BR> if p[q+1]=t[i] then q:=q+1;<BR> if q=m then begin<BR> match[i-q+1]:=q;<BR> q:=pi[q];<BR> end;<BR> end;<BR> write(match[1]);<BR> for i:=2 to n do write(' ',match[i]);<BR> writeln;<BR> end;<BR>begin<BR> readln(t);<BR> readln(p);<BR> kmp(t,p);<BR>end.</DIV></DIV><BR><BR>yangzhe1990@yahoo.com.cn<br> 杨哲<p><br><hr size=1><b>Do You Yahoo!?</b><br>
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