[fpc-devel] Unicode paths

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Mon Apr 11 23:14:16 CEST 2016

Marco van de Voort wrote:
> Well, afaik on Windows unicode commandlines are supported in $mode
> delphiuncode.

They are not supported, because we get the original command line data 
using the ansi version of the API call (see setup_arguments() in 
rtl/win/syswin.inc). If this is "fixed", then we also have to decide 
what to do with the argv p(ansi)char (a good place would be to check 
what Windows itself returns from the ansi API call when passing command 
line arguments that contain characters that cannot be represented in the 
ansi code page.

Another way to know it is not supported, is that it is not listed at 
http://wiki.freepascal.org/FPC_Unicode_support#RTL_changes (*)


(*) I know you recently committed unicode support for executing external 
programs and it isn't listed there yet either, but that's because I 
think it is broken on *nix: encoding the command line parameters using 
DefaultFileSystmCodePage is wrong, because the receiving/executed 
applications will interpret them according to what they deduce as being 
DefaultSystemCodePage from the environment instead. We have a routine 
that can deduce this code page from the environment (GetSystemCodepage), 
so we should probably use that (although it may need some refactoring to 
be able to use it in case the environment for the executed process is 
specified separately from that of the invoking process)

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