[fpc-devel] creating the embedded port of fpc

Mark Morgan Lloyd markMLl.fpc-devel at telemetry.co.uk
Sun Oct 12 10:54:56 CEST 2014

Sietse Achterop wrote:
>   Dear list,
> I try to get the embedded port of fpc (for both lcp1728 and stm32f4) to 
> work but fail.
> I use the info on
>    http://wiki.freepascal.org/TARGET_Embedded
> but immediate get:
>    make[1]: -iVSPTPSOTO: Command not found
> Looks like an error to me. I don't know what to do here.
> This is on a linux/debian/jessie/64bit.

This is for the sake of a comparatively rapid response, and I obviously 
defer to anybody who knows what he's talking about :-)

Your  make  problem is that it's not worked out what the correct name of 
the compiler is, so it's trying to expand an undefined variable. Try 
defining the PP variable, i.e. something like

export PP=....
make clean all

You've obviously got to decide what to set PP to, it will vary depending 
on whether you're trying to run the native compiler on your system or a 
newly-generated cross-compiler.

> The second question is about the binutils. I am confused about that.
> I normally use the crosscompiler developed by ARM from
>    https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded
> But that creates binaries with names like
>    arm-none-eabi-gcc
> Can they be used? And why is fpc using non-standard names?
> For the moment I use symlinks to get the names that fpc expects.
> Hopefully someone can help me with these questions.

Those triplets are a pain in the backside, the "none" simply means that 
the binutils build script couldn't work out the precise platform and/or 
wasn't told. Live with it.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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