[fpc-devel] RTTI interface & variant late binding issue (mORMot)

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Wed Nov 5 10:31:17 CET 2014

On 05 Nov 2014, at 10:21, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

> For 26773:
>  this will also need fixes in the compiler, since you propose a  
> change in a compilerproc.
>  However, this should be easily doable.

If it's just a change from "var" to "const", nothing needs to be  
changed in the compiler. The parameter passing of compilerprocs is  
handled by the regular call node code. The ability to do this was the  
main reason to introduce them.

Some of the other changes would however need a note on http://wiki.freepascal.org/User_Changes_Trunk 
  , since they may require changes to user code (given that a number  
of tests also need to be changed).


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