[fpc-devel] documentation TComponentState

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu Feb 27 13:53:02 CET 2014


Some TComponentState flags need documentation.
Here are some suggestions:

The component has a design ancestor. For example a form TForm2 inherited
from a form TForm1. TForm1 and all its components are copied to TForm2.
TForm2 and all its inherited components have csAncestor. Only
differences between TForm1 and TForm2 are stored in the stream of
TForm2. The child components of a frame put onto a form have csAncestor

The component is a nested top level component. For example a frame on a
form. The children of the frame do not have csInline, unless they are
other frames.

The component is designed (csDesigning) and is a root component


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