[fpc-devel] arm-embedded apps crash in exception handler initialization because heapmanager is not initialized

Florian Klämpfl florian at freepascal.org
Thu Mar 14 07:47:35 CET 2013

Michael Ring <mail at michael-ring.org> schrieb:

>Florian, did you find some spare time to work on this?

Not yet but still on my todo list. 

>Am 03.03.13 22:59, schrieb Florian Klämpfl:
>> Am 03.03.2013 22:09, schrieb Michael Ring:
>>> That would of course be even better, the compiler could calculate if
>>> vars+stack+heap fit in the given memory configuration and issue at
>>> minimum a warning or even better a compile error.
>>> But this is definitely something that is out of my league, Florin,
>>> you implement this?
>> I'll look into this the next days.
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