[fpc-devel] Re: Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Kylix 3

Daniël Mantione daniel.mantione at freepascal.org
Mon Mar 4 11:31:49 CET 2013

Op Mon, 4 Mar 2013, schreef Martin Schreiber:

> In MSEgui development I am happy if users report what they need in their daily
> work and what is inconvenient in current MSEgui implementation. I then try to
> examine the problem, find out how it can be solved and implement an universal
> solution based on what I learned from the conrete "real world example". I do
> not expect that users provide patches, reproducible testcases are enough. If
> the users provide patches there is a big risk, that they fix their current
> problem only instead to find an orthogonal improvement. And the quality of
> the code maybe is not always the best. ;-)

Understood. What if your users submit issues that are fundamental to your 
UTF16-decision? For example shortstrings would be more compact and faster. 
I suspect you are not going to change MSEIDE to another approach.

It's the same here. Compiler speed is lower than Delphi due to design 
decisions, that cannot be easily altered. Optimization is always possible, 
but the low hanging fruit is gone, because as said, extensive time has 
already been spent into compiler speed.


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