[fpc-devel] Re-installing fpc

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Mon Mar 14 10:48:50 CET 2011

I re-installed Linux, trashing the root director<y while keeping the 
user's home directories.

Now I need to re-install fpc (which I provide the newest svn version to 
all users in /usr/bin).

In one of the home directories I have the svn and an older fpc version 
to compile it.

I can do

sudo make clean all FPC=/home/mschnell/Downloads/fpc/ppc386

To compile fpc just fine.

But when I tried to install fpc to /usr/bin with (as root)

make install INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr

I dot some an error message about something missing, but not saying what 
would be missing where).

So I copied some flc* files from the old installation to /usr/bin.

not I get

Makefile:199: *** The Makefile doesn't support target can't-executed,, 
please run fpcmake first.  Stop.

but when I try to do fpcmake in the source directory this does not help 
and when I try to do fpcmake in /usr/bin I get

Processing makefile.fpc
Error: Unable to open file "makefile.fpc"

and of course there is no makefile.fpc in /usr/bin, but in the old 
installation there was no, either.

What to do ?


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