[fpc-devel] NowUTC in the RTL

Thaddy thaddy at thaddy.com
Fri Dec 9 16:48:20 CET 2011

On 9-12-2011 14:02, Marco van de Voort wrote:
> In our previous episode, Jonas Maebe said:
>>> I know nothing about OS/2-eCS, but the same arguments as for Go32V2
>>> apply as far as I am concerned. If all these platforms can guarantee
>>> returning correct UTC time, I do not see why we would not introduce
>>> it.
>> Afaik the original point was that some people were interested in some
>> kind of timestamp that does not jump around (except possibly when
>> overflowing). I don't think anyone particularly needed "the time in
>> UTC". Therefore, something like FPGetTickCount seems much more
>> appropriate than NowUTC, and it also solves the problem that some
>> targets may not support returning the time in UTC.
> Agree fully.
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Except that it rules out writing standardscompliant internet applications?
If the network stack isn't in userland, there
is no point in putting NowUTC or whatever in userland.
Bout where are the network stacks in these legacy OS's?

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