[fpc-devel] FPC 2.6.x branched, trunk becomes 2.7.1

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Wed Aug 3 20:27:15 CEST 2011

In our previous episode, Marcos Douglas said:
> Sorry Jonas, but I always compile two versions (fixes_2_4 and trunk)
> using this script:
> http://wiki.freepascal.org/Installing_Lazarus#Compiling.2Finstalling_FPC_and_Lazarus_from_Sources_of_SVN_.28Win32.29

> Always worked and some people used this script with success too.

These kinds of issues are like the stockmarket: success in the past is no
guarantee for the future.

> How I compiled before without having to compile the file data2inc?

You simply didn't have encountered the situation that requires that file. 
But that situation is a definite possibility, which why it is packaged with
every release for the past 10 years and longer.

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