[fpc-devel] pqconnection.pp Code Review Needed Int64 data types not supported in PostgreSQL

Andrew Brunner andrew.t.brunner at gmail.com
Thu Oct 21 23:19:23 CEST 2010

1.) Say you have a string of certain length 25
2.) And you have a memory block of 26.
3.) You move Pchar(s) into ar[i] but read beyond the length of the string



These clearly do the same thing.  But what happens when you read past
the length of a string? Is it safe?

The first block is actual code from the postgresql database component.
 As of right now the PostgreSQL component does not handle Int64
dataype and is crippling any use of the DBMS.  If MySQL and PostgreSQL
are broken - I just don't see the point of supporting SQL DBMSes.

Is there a massive reworking in the SQL area of FPC underway causing
the lack of quality for the diverse versions of the most popular sql
servers available?

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