[fpc-devel] cpstrnew branch (was: Alternative parsers)

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Oct 20 10:50:41 CEST 2010

Op 2010-10-20 10:18, Jonas Maebe het geskryf:
> The output you posted suggests that your Makefile compiles the RTL units
> in a different order than the Makefile in svn.

Indeed that seems to have been the problem. I did a 'git clean' which
reset/reverted any tracked files, and removed any non-tracked (not in
source control), leaving a completely clean directory hierarchy. A 'make
all' then successfully compiler the RTL and compiler. I did get a compiler
error in chmreader.pas, but that is not something I would worry about,
because that is in the packages (FCL) directory.

Thank you for your help, and sorry for all the trouble.

Is there a make command to only compile the RTL and compiler? Excludes the
FCL.  Would that be the 'make cycle' from inside the src/compiler/
directory?  I better go reread the BuildFAQ document. :)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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