[fpc-devel] dward debug info - someone promiced more compact debug info than stabs

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Tue Mar 16 16:45:41 CET 2010

On 16 Mar 2010, at 16:41, Paul Ishenin wrote:

> But 200 Mb of info for 10Mb executable is too much. How do you think?

I personally don't care at all.

> I don't believe that other compilers on windows generates so fat  
> output for dwarf. Do you know any similar numbers for gcc?

No, since I don't use Windows.

It's hard to compare with Mac OS X, because there
a) the DWARF debug info is not linked into the final binary, it just  
remains in the original object files (and the application contains  
references to the object files)
b) you can use a (closed source) utility called dsymutil that goes  
through all object files of a program, collects the DWARF information,  
removes the duplicate information and then generates an external file  
that contains the unified debug information for the entire application

GDB on Mac OS X can work with the debug information in both cases a)  
and b)


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