[fpc-devel] russian compiler messages

dmitry boyarintsev skalogryz.lists at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 21:21:31 CEST 2009

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Sergei Gorelkin <sergei_gorelkin at mail.ru> wrote:
> Updating done, revisions 13814 and 13815. Enjoy :)
> And criticism is welcome, too.

Great job! Translation is much better than before.
You need to ask russian comminity about it, since they're to use these messages.
These messages should be very useful for schools, using Lazarus in education.

some ideas:
There're multiple messages, where "ОС назначения" is used. It doesn't
sound right. imho, It should be "выбранная ОС" or "целевая ОС" or
""текущая ОС" or "текущая платформа" or "выбранная платформа" or
"целевая платформа".
Just like in other messages: 03248_E_Символы "weak external" не
поддерживаются на *целевой платформе*

03048: Заголовок фyнкции не соответствует ни одному из методов этого
класса "$1"
Since message is showing what class is used, there's no need in word "этого"

03085: Повторное бросание исключения здесь невозможно
AFAIK, it's more common in russian tech-papers and books to use verb
"возбуждение" (which is closer to pascal's "raise") instead of
"бросание" (which is closer to Cpp's "throw").


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