[fpc-devel] Unicodestring branch, please test and help fixing

Ivo Steinmann ivo_steinmann at gmx.net
Mon Sep 1 13:27:25 CEST 2008

Marco van de Voort schrieb:
> In our previous episode, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara said:
>>>> And use TNativeString for encoding agnostic purposes.
>>> Well, really agnostic code should simply use "string" :)
>> Delphi is introducing  the RawByteString type, that skips the auto 
>> encoding conversion. I don't know where it fits in the upcoming unicode 
>> schema. Anyway there's an example how to use it: 
>> http://www.micro-isv.asia/2008/08/using-rawbytestring-effectively/
> That's the lowlevel agnostic way. I'm talking more for purposes like classes
> libraries, that will want to use a native type on both conventions, but will
> generally operate on the strings on a relatively high level.
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Why not creating a new kind of managed class, that is refcounted, 
initialized, finalized, etc... like String type? then create a string 
type on this managed class. So String is going to be a class. For for 
unicode string you create a descendant of this class with unicode 
implementations. This way it's still compatible to the baseclass String.

The managed class should follow these rules:

-------- EXAMPLE -----------

function Param(S: TManagedClass);
function VarParam(var S: TManagedClass);
function OutParam(out S: TManagedClass);
function ConstParam(const S: TManagedClass);

  S, T: TManagedClass;

{c} S := nil; // compiler code
{c} T := nil;

S := 'abcd';
{c} tmp := TManagedClass.Create('abcd');
{c} S := S.Assign(tmp); // Assign is a function that takes another 
managed class to assign and returns a new instance or reference. (self 
can be nil)
{c} tmp.Release;

{c} S.NewRef;  // NewRef is a function that incrase the
{c} Param(S);
{c} S.Release;

{c} VarParam(S);

{c} S.Release;
{c} S := nil;
{c} OutParam(S);

{c} ConstParam(S);

T := S;
{c} T := T.Assign(S);

T := S + 'abcd' + S;
{c} eg. TManagedClass.Append function....

{c} S.Release;
{c} T.Release;

--------END ---------

I'm aware that a lot of these things could also implemented as 
overloaded operators. But NOT the initialization, finalization and 
parameter handling part.

Also Assign maybe a problem, because I need somehting like that:

operator := (var Dest: TManagedClass; Src: TManagedClass);

In case of assign, the destination pointer changes. but before I can 
change the destination pointer, I have to release the reference. and 
that's not possible with:

operator := (Src: TManagedClass) Dest: TManagedClass;


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