[fpc-devel] Russianlocale informationnotcompatiblewithFPClocalevariables

Ales Katona almindor at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 10:56:28 CEST 2008

Boian Mitov  wrote / napĂ­sal(a):
> To be honest I hate the Pascal OOP implementation even more, but the 
> lack of Singleton support, good RTTI and 
> AfterConstructor/BeforeDestructor . ;-) .
> The OOP model is something we as developers implement. We are not 
> talking MFC, or VCL, but the language. There are a lot of fantastic 
> OOP models in C++, and C++ supports conceptual programming (Well kind 
> of), where Pascal does not.
> To be honest both languages have a lot of issues, but we take them for 
> what they are and use them and love them :-) . I love both C++ and 
> Object Pascal, well maybe C++ a bit more, but is still frustrates me 
> when I can't create a simple singleton :-D .
>  With best regards,
>    Boian Mitov
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mitov Software
> http://www.mitov.com
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
I can't like an OOP model in which you:
1. can't call virtual methods from constructors
2. can't safely do stuff in constructors without using exceptions
3. can't limit the constructors being called (e.g: call order a, b, c)
4. no metaclasses or RTTI

These are all language ad-hoc design limitations of C++, I'm sure there 
are more, but I personaly hit these. Perhaps I'm just spoiled by good 
OOP  tho :P

I'm curious however, what do you mean by "conceptual programming"? Can 
you provide an example?


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