[fpc-devel] Differences between fpc and Delphi regarding COM interfaces declarations

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara pascalive at bol.com.br
Sat Feb 3 16:19:00 CET 2007

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:
> While porting some Delphi code i found some differences in the 
> declarations of COM interfaces.
> 1) In IEnumFORMATETC.Next(Celt:ULong;Out Rgelt:FormatEtc;Out 
> pceltFetched:ULong):HResult; Delphi expects  pceltFetched to be a 
> PInteger
> win32 documentation:
>  *HRESULT Next( ULONG*/ celt/*,* * FORMATETC_com_FORMATETC **/ 
> rgelt/*,* * ULONG **/ pceltFetched/ *);*
Sorry, i copied formated code. Here's the accurate declaration

  ULONG celt,
  ULONG * pceltFetched

> Delphi code:
>  function Next(celt: Integer; out elt; pceltFetched: PLongint): HResult;
> My adapted code (Based in activex unit - required to compile):
> function Next(celt: LongWord; out elt: FormatEtc; out pceltFetched: 
> LongWord): HResult;
> There are two questions:
>  - Should fpc adapt the code to be delphi compatible??
>  - Calling this interface from fpc is not allowed to pass a nil 
> parameter in pceltFetched, but it would be possible calling from 
> outside?? C++? (The win32 docs does not specify)
>    I'm asking this because the original code checks if pceltFetched is 
> assigned
> 2) In the STGMEDIUM definition fpc has the following fields 
> PUnkForRelease, PSTM, PSTG while delphi has UnkForRelease, STM, STG.
>   First i think that fpc translated the win headers wrongly, but after 
> looking for the original code declaration i found that fpc is 
> following win32 api closely (with the "P")
>  - What todo here: stay with win32 api or goto Delphi?
> Notice that this is only a matter of nomenclature and renaming them 
> was sufficient to fix the code, but i took sometime anyway.
> PS: I'm documenting all the differences i found and i pretend to 
> create a database with the differences between Delphi and fpc/Lazarus. 
> I'll  publish it ASA_F_ . ;-)

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