[fpc-devel] FP 2.4 questions

Daniël Mantione daniel.mantione at freepascal.org
Thu Dec 27 13:26:49 CET 2007

Op Thu, 27 Dec 2007, schreef Fabio Dell'Aria:

> Ok but whitout the full package support many companies will never uses
> Freepascal because is common think split big application in modules or
> simply sell extra application plugins.

> What do you think about?

Popular business languages (C++, Java, etc.) don't have package support, 
so apparently, packages aren't a decision maker for companies to select 
their programming language.

Of course, this does not exclude that some Delphi users highly appreciate 
the feature, and it could be a significant plus for fpc, but I am 
convinced it plays a micro-role in the total picture.


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