[fpc-devel] makeskel fails to parse file

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 11:59:40 CEST 2006


I am using the latest FPC 2.0.5 from SubVersion. (rev 4550).  I am
trying to promote "fpdoc" to the tiOPF developers and hit a brick wall
with my first attempt!  :-(

I am trying to run "makeskel" against a project I work on (tiOPF), but
makeskel keeps giving me the error below.  I created a simple one unit
demo app, with the same include file (tiDefines.inc) as used in the
tiOPF project.  See attached file.  The project compiles fine with
FPC, but makeskel fails.  The IFDEF's in tiDefines.inc are needed due
to tiOPF compiling against Delphi 7-2006 and FPC.

Below is the makeskel line I execute and the error I receive.  Anybody
got ideas as to what is causing this problem.

$> makeskel --output=docs/tiopf.xml --input='-Fi. -FU. unit1.pas'

MakeSkel - FPDoc skeleton XML description file generator
(c) 2000 - 2003 Areca Systems GmbH / Sebastian Guenther, sg at freepascal.org

An unhandled exception occurred at $08091D93 :
EParserError : Expected "interface" at token "EOF"


  - Graeme -

There's no place like
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