[fpc-devel] DOS Platforms

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at mbox.vol.cz
Mon May 23 13:48:04 CEST 2005

Peter Vreman said:
>> Vinzent Hoefler wrote:
>>>>>There is no maintainer for go32v2. Unless there is an user that
>>>>>steps forward to be the maintainer for go32v2 there will be no DOS
>>>>>release anymore.
>>> Alright. How much time would someone need for that task? Or, to be more
>>> specific: what is known to need high priority work to get the most
>>> basic stuff of a DOS-Compiler working?
> The 2.0.x branch go32v2 can be build. Most problems are in the IDE being
> unstable and debugging (based on libgdb) not working.

Exactly. The best is to check unfixed bugs for GO32v2 target in our bug
repository - the debugging problem is there, some exception handling
related stuff too, plus there are some smaller issues like correction of
the DiskSize implementation for LFN platforms to exclude the buggy check
for DOS version being > 7.0 (it should only check availability of the
particular DOS function).

Building of a more up to date libgdb might be nice, although not
absolutely necessary.

Finally, if you are really brave (and have the other issues fixed), you
could have a look at changes done in the latest DJGPP release to avoid
problems with W2K incompatibilities (there were some changes related to
memory allocation, exception handling and spawning of other programs which
should supposedly cure the problems). However, we WNT/W2K/WXP are declared
as unsupported environment for GO32v2, so this certainly isn't a priority
(nice to have at most).


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