[fpc-devel] PR: What sites to spam for 2.0.2 release?

Daniël Mantione daniel.mantione at freepascal.org
Fri Dec 9 17:06:13 CET 2005

Op Fri, 9 Dec 2005, schreef Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler:

> Dear Tom,
> I agree in general. However, I suggest to wait with the announcements in the
> Mac channels until fpc 2.0.2 is available through fink. I am just getting it
> together and It should be done in short time, one maybe two weeks from now.
> The .dmg package should be mentioned as well.

It is IMHO not so good to sent an announcement one or two weeks after a 
package has been released, it is old news then, sites may not cover it 
anymore. People can download MacOS releases directly from us, which 
should be enough for announcement, right? You can put in the announcement 
that it will be available from fink shortly.

By the way, no critics to you as you didn't know, but the source code has 
already been frozen for weeks, it may be possible to start the fink 
release process earlier.


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