[fpc-devel]promised tthread patch

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Tue Nov 18 11:01:50 CET 2003

[ Charset ISO-8859-1 unsupported, converting... ]
> > .... under FreeBSD it fails. Probably due to the pipe trick
> >
> > I'm still investigating.
> Weird, the pipe trick should be very portable, unless there are signals
> involved.
> Try changing the
> fpread(...) to
> // pseudo code:
> repeat
> if fpread(...) = -1 then
> not_signalled := errno = EINTR;
> else
> not_signalled := true;
> until not_signalled;
> and hope the loop doesn't get tight. but fpread should block in any case

It's the assumptio that fpread returns EINTR. That is a a linuxism I guess.

It returns ESysEAGAIN.  

I'm currently patching all these occurances when pipe related.   

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