[fpc-devel]Bug or missing documentation?

BiPolar BiPolar at SoftHome.net
Fri Nov 7 18:37:04 CET 2003

> > The code below gives: "foo.pas(13,33) Error: Duplicate identifier 
> > NAME"
> > when compiled with -S2. It compiles ok with -Sd though.
> > [...]
> > Is this a bug, or I missed something in the docs?
> It is a decision that we made for fpc mode to force you to write code 
> that
> is less buggy. Because using name in the method it is not clear from 
> the
> source which name you want to use unless you know that the compiler
> prefers locals over object fields.
> [...]
> Reporting issues that work in delphi mode and not in objfpc mode will
> almost always be rejected. We made the decision for those. And when 
> you
> don't like objfpc mode then just continue to use delphi mode, we 
> don't
> force you to use objfpc mode.

Perfectly clear, now that you explained that difference. The thing is, 
as the "Compiler Modes" section of FPC docs doesn't mention these facts
/differences, it may lead to users of FPC to think that there may be a 
bug (as I did).

Thanks for replying, and many thanks for your work on FPC.

Oscar Lesta.

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