[fpc-devel]Re: CVS compilation problems.

Balogh, Karoly (Charlie/iNQ) charlie at scenergy.dfmk.hu
Wed Jul 16 01:06:37 CEST 2003


On 03.07.15., Marco van de Voort wrote:

>> The compiler builds here too, but only the RTL compilation fails.
>> I tried with your compiler now, and the result is the same.
> Could you build with -va and post the result somewhere, or mail it to me?

Since it's not too big, i attached here.

This is the result, when i give out make OPT=-va from /rtl/linux.
The compiler i used this time was the one from the URL in your
previous mail.

The Linux i use is a DebianPPC 3.0r1, on a 604e/200 PowerMac8500, 
with kernel 2.4.21-ben2, but i don't think this makes any sense.

Charlie/iNQ      (SceneCON - http://scenecon.intro.hu)
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