[fpc-devel]Unexpected long compilation times when using multi-dimensional array

Jonas Maebe jonas at zeus.rug.ac.be
Mon Feb 4 11:21:32 CET 2002

On maandag, februari 4, 2002, at 11:17 , s393534 at pacluster.win.tue.nl 

>>> To solve this we need to add some kind of caching for the size of an
>>> arraydef.
>> Done.
> Thanks very much for the fast response and solution! I will be testing 
> the new version this afternoon.

That won't be possible, unless you checkout the sources from CVS and 
recompile the compiler yourself. Since I submitted the fixes today, they 
will appear in tomorrow's snapshot.

> My apologies. But as the board was down sunday evening, I wasn't sure 
> wether it was still being used.

No problem. I just wanted to explain why I sent you a personal email 
about it too.


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