[fpc-devel]Who'se working on the IDE?

Jonas Maebe jonas at zeus.rug.ac.be
Fri Oct 20 14:36:29 CEST 2000

>I've reported a mountain of bugs (via the web-interface on the website) in
>the last week: not a one has been fixed or even apparently checked out... I

All bugs entered via the web interface are automatically also mailed to 
all developers, including the people working on the IDE.

>am wondering what sort of time frame I can expect for a response...?

It really depends. Some may be easy to fix and may be fixed soon, others 
may take longer. You will only get a response

a) if more info is needed
b) once it's fixed

There is no "confirmation procedure" where we send you a mail to notify 
you that we've received the bugreport and are looking into it.

>Do the IDE developers read here?

Yes, they do (Pierre and Gàbor are the main IDE developers, Peter 
sometimes also works on it). Note that Pierre and Peter also work on the 
rest of the compiler and that we surely could use an extra person or two 
that want to work on the IDE. As you have experienced, it still needs 
quite a bit of work.


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